This version of the Guide was compiled on Wednesday 30th June, 2004

Updates for this version

Changes made between Thursday 29th April and Wednesday 30th June, 2004:

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Mirrors of the Web Guide
This is where to find the guide on-line

Doctor Who Web Guide, (Paul Harman)
DWWG @ Buffalo Time Council, (David L. Ennis)
DWWG @ Doctor Who Links, (Keith Bradbury)
DWWG @, (Mark 'Mulder' Healey)
DWWG @, (Chuck Foster)
DWWG @, (Jeremy Rayner)
DWWG @ Outpost Gallifrey, (Shaun Lyon)
DWWG @ Tetrapyriarbus, (Alden Bates)
DWWG @ TimeLord, (Kenny Davidson)
DWWG @ Tranquil Repose, (Dwayne Bunney)
DWWG @ Type40 Doctor Who, (Craig Burns)
DWWG @ Varos: Doctor Who, (Jason Fraser)
DWWG @ Whotopia, (Keith Johnson)

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Eclectic Sites
Sites with a bit of everything

BBC - Cult Television - Doctor Who Homepage, (BBC Online)
Outpost Gallifrey, (Shaun Lyon)
Big Finish Audio Productions, (Big Finish)
Hardcover Doctor Who novellas, (Telos Publishing)
Who's Doctor Who, (Louise Lobinske)
Nitro Nine Homepage (The), (Siobahn Morgan)
Brief History of Time (Travel) (A), (Shannon Patrick Sullivan), (Daniel O'Malley)
Tetrapyriarbus, (Alden Bates)
TimeLord, (Kenny Davidson)
Varos: Doctor Who, (Jason Fraser)
BBV (Bill and Ben Video) Online, (BBV (General Enquiries))
Earthbound TimeLords, (Chancellor Z1R0)
Who Central, (Nicholas Hall)
Planet Who, (Paul Gordon)
Gallifrey 5, (Nigel)
Asylum (The)
(Charity Compilation) LifeDeath
Big Finish - Professor Summerfield, (Mark 'Mulder' Healey)
Gallifrey Online, (Andy Watt)
Inside the TARDIS, (Matthew Brant)
Millennium Effect (The), (Matt Dale and Kev West)
Recovery Seven, (Samuel Payne)
The SOUND CHAMBER, (Wolf Valentine)
The Whoniverse, (Stephen Gray)
Type40 Doctor Who, (Craig Burns)
Virtual Universe, (Keith Bradbury)
Whotopia, (Keith Johnson)

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Story Guides
Sites covering the Serials (TV, Books, Audios or Comics) in depth

Outpost Gallifrey, (Shaun Lyon)
Doctor Who Reference Guide, (Dominique Boies)
TARDIS Library (The), (Daniel O'Malley)
Disc-Continuity Guide (The), (Alden Bates, Jon Preddle and Jamas Enright)
Tertiary Console Room (The), (Simon Catlow)
TimeLord, (Kenny Davidson)
Stripping Down, (Chris Cwej & Gallifreyan)
Cloister Library (The), (Gareth Jelley), (Andrew Kearley)
Bevis King and Duncan White's Episode Guides, (Bevis King and Duncan White)
BlackStar Doctor Who Zone, (Evan Marshall)
Doctor Who A-Z, (James Taylor)
Doctor Who and the Video Website of Evil, (Mike Rogers)
Doctor Who Books in My Bathroom, (Grobius Shortling)
Doctor Who Chronology, (Doug A. Scott)
Doctor Who Critiques, (John 'Speedy')
Doctor Who Gateway (The), (Mark Parmerter)
Doctor Who In Detail III, (Nigel Ellis)
Doctor Who Quick Archive Reference, (Robert Franks)
Doctor Who Television Guide, (John Paul Jackson III)
Doctor Who Trans-dimensional Junk, (Loren Peace)
Doctor Who Transcripts Project (The), (Ian Hammond)
Doctor Who, Lost In Space, Screen Saver, Fun Stuff, & Download Home Page, (Christopher L. Augustus)
Eighth Doctor Comic Strip Guide (The)
Episode Express - Doctor Who Viewer's Guide, (John T Burt)
GEOS - Doctor Who listing, (Ian Poleykett)
Mart's Place - Doctor Who Magazine Guide, (Martyn Alner)
Murray Ewing's Doctor Who Pages, (Murray Ewing)
Rassilon's Bookcase, (Iain MacLennan)
SciFi Databanks: Doctor Who, (Clive Banks)
SHADoWS - Sherlock Holmes And Doctor Who Site, (Paul Ingerson)
Target Practice, (Sarah Hadley)
The BBC Video Archive Page, (Mark Aldridge)
The Doctor Who Nexus, (Brad Phipps)
The Lost and Found Episodes of Doctor Who, (Brian M. Hass)
Time Line of Doctor Who, (Jonathan Norris)
Time's Crucible: A History of the Omniverse, (James Moore)
Trey's Terrific 'n' Tasty Page, (Trey Korte)
Welcome to Wildthyme - Mistress of the Magic Bus, (Stuart)

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Sites worth a special mention because of their amazing/unusual content or presentation

Restoration Team Website, (Steve Roberts)
The Doctor, the Doctor, and that Other Guy, (William B. Swift)
Stephen's Doctor Who Locations Website, (Stephen Carter)
Guide to Planets, (J. H. Smith)
Howe's Trancendental Toybox, (Arnold T. Blumberg)
Oh Mummy - Sutekh's Story, (Robert Hammond / Matt West)
Saturday Teatime Guild, (Gabriel Chase)
The Doctor Who Countdown Page, (Joe Boswell)
Time and Space on Television, (Milwaukee School of Engineering)
Universal Databank (The), (Jean-Marc Lofficier)

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Sites containing the Frequently Asked Questions documents

Doctor Who Web Guide, (Paul Harman)
Alternate Doctor Who FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
CCG FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
Doctor Who Home Videos in North America FAQ, (Steve Manfred)
FAQ Guide (The), (Chuck Foster)
General Doctor Who/rec.arts.drwho FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
IRC FAQ, (Trina L. Short)
New Adventures FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
Newbie' FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
rec.arts.drwho.moderated FAQ
Save Who FAQ, (Siobahn Morgan)
Video and Audio FAQ, (Dominic Jackson)

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Sites that exist primarily to point you towards other sites

Doctor Who Web Guide, (Paul Harman)
Admiral's Stuff (The), (Michael Zecca)
Doctor Who Time Ring, (Keith Bradbury)
Netscape's Open Directory
Who Links (The), (Peter Wood)
WhoLINK @ Who's Doctor Who?, (Louise Lobinske)

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Creative Works
Doctor Who fan fiction, original graphics and other fan creations

Chameleon Circuit, (Rob White & Gallifreyan), (Allan Bednar)
Rob's Dr Who Images, (Rob Semenoff)
Always the 3rd Doctor, (Jeri Massi), (Alex Storer)
a teaspoon and an open mind, (Versaphile)
Random Fiction, (Kenny Davidson)
Time Lady, (K G Redhead)
Doctor Who: 3a, (Andie Frankham)
Action Figure Theatre, (Philip Lawrence), (Adam Bullock)
Alternation, (Chris Heffernan)
Ankh Mangawa: The ongoing website of the fantastic, (Colin D. Fox)
Archive of Archives, (David S. Rubin)
Art Of Infinity, (Martin Hearn)
Bare Bones' Archive (The), (Clive May), (Battered Suitcase Theatre Company)
Beck's Web Haunt, (Rebecca Jo McLaughlin)
Big Finish DVD Covers, (AJP Frankham)
Book of Taliesin (The), (Helen Fayle)
Broadsword's Fiction Archive, (Broadsword)
Bullseye Books, (Andrew Kearley), (Cameron Mason)
Chris's Media Covers, (Chris Brimelow)
Daryl Joyce - Dynamic illustrations, (Daryl Joyce)
Doctor Who (inc. Satire) Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction, (Paul Gadzikowski)
Doctor Who - The Music, (Stephen Sherry)
Doctor Who Audio Dramas Sound Site (Everlasting Films), (Robert Dunlop)
Doctor Who e-novellas, (AJP Frankham)
Doctor Who Fan Fiction and Free Role Playing Games, (Gerard Luft)
Doctor Who Project (The), (Bob Furnell)
Doctor Who: The Fan Fiction Site, (Jeff Walker)
Doctor Who: The Virtual Series, (Terry Austin)
Dogma Audio Productions, (John Karp)
Domain (The), (Lori Summers)
Empire of Glass - Dance Music, (Rob Tizzard)
End of the Phoenix (The), (Douglas B. Killings)
Enduring Image, (Gary McBride)
FANZ, (David Elms), (Gordon Dymowski)
Internet Adventures (The), (James Farmer)
Jasmine's Creations, (Shaun Ferguson)
Jimmy's Doctor Who Art Page, (James McDonald)
John Pettigrew's Covers, (Cameron Mason), (Ian Kildin)
Largest Tom baker Fan Page on the WWW (The), (Patricia Anders)
Light in the Dark, (Huw Wilkins)
Mini-UNIT Minstrels
Mysterious Planet (The), (Duncan Johnson)
Mystic Wild Parabola, (Rebecca J. Anderson)
Myth Makers: Fan Fiction from the Doctor Who Information Network, (Matthew Grady)
NADW Renegades Outpost Archives
NDA - The Ninth Doctor Adventures, (James Allenby (Emirate Xarron))
nostalgia for an age yet to come, (nostalgia)
Not The BBC Doctor Who Book Covers!, (James Gent)
Once in a Blue Moon Productions, (Owen Spratley), (Paul Dale Smith)
Paul Hone's Site, (AndrewHearne)
PEAhopeless Doctor Who -based fan fiction, (Peahopeless)
Penny and Mills Doctor Who Fiction, (Martin Penny and Michael Mills)
Phantom Frame, (Gareth Preston)
Production Site (The), (Christian Darkin)
Reid Illustration, (Graeme Neil Reid)
Renegade Timelord (The), (Richard Rogers)
Reverse Polarity, (Chris and Kevin Gregory)
Sci-Fi Scenes, (Brian Taylor)
Season 6b and Beyond
Shadows Dreaming, (Pete Galey)
Sofa of Reasonable Comfort (The) [WebZine], (Rebecca K. Dowgiert)
Solos Productions, (Matheau Hicks)
Spaceboy Muzik Limited, (Ziggy/Spaceboy)
Staggering Stories, (Macfadyan)
Storm God Rising, (Richard Salter and Jason A. Miller)
Strange Times and Places, (Imran Inayat)
Study in Space-Time (A), (Suzanne Macey)
TARDIS Library, (Charlie Day)
TARDIS Tales, (The Timelady Stellastrendenlunjendorf)
TCP: TARDIS Console Project, (David Hawkins)
The Astral Map, (Si Hunt and Simon Rayner)
The Definite Article, (Jack Rees)
The tardis rooms, (Paul Aslin)
The This Time Round Archive, (Imran Inayat)
The Zero Room, (Nyssa (IceAngel))
Tranquil Repose, (Dwayne Bunney)
Velvet Jacket, (Joe Cannon)
Velvet Web (The) Cover Artwork Resource, (Jay Williams)
Welcome to Wildthyme - Mistress of the Magic Bus, (Stuart)
Who3D - Doctor Who Re-Building Site, (Cliff Bowman)
Whomix, (Alexis Glass)

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Sites containing online reviews of books, videos and serials

Outpost Gallifrey, (Shaun Lyon)
Doctor Who Ratings Guide (The), (Robert Smith?)
Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour, (Troughton)
TimeLord, (Kenny Davidson)
Cloister Library (The), (Gareth Jelley)
The Tomb of the Anorak, (The Anorak)
Androzani, (Tara Eastwood)
AngloFantasia, (Dwain Gleason)
Cosmic Café (The), (Dominick Cericola)
Dark Side of the Animus, (J. Garth Wilcox)
Doctor Who Audios: Rate'n'Review, (Damon Querry)
He! He! He! (The Master's Laugh)
Reviews by the Happy Guy, (Sean Gaffney)
The Doctor Who Review, (Roger J Pocock)
The Five Of Diamonds, (Simon Skupham)

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Sites consisting of large amounts of stuff eg Pictures, WAVs

Doctor Who Cuttings Archive (The), (Roger Anderson)
Doctor Who Image Archive (The), (Steven Hill)
Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour, (Troughton), (Paul Gutteridge)
American Who- A celebration of "Doctor Who" in America, (Joey Reynolds)
Doctor Who Picture Archive (The), (Steve & Rachel Preston)
Doctor Who WAV Archive (The), (Mike Rogers)
Film Archives, (Ryan K. Johnson)
Nitro9, (Siobahn Morgan)
Shag's Doctor Who Page, (Shag Matthews)
Sounds Page, (Doug Vermes)
Tachyon TV, (Neil Perryman)
TARDIS Data Banks (The), (Worth Godwin)
You Know Who..., (Faiz Rehman)

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Clubs & Societies
Doctor Who Clubs and Societies

New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club, (Alden Bates)
Brighton Area Doctor Who Appreciation Society, (Paul Hayes)
Buffalo Time Council, (David L Ennis)
Celestial Affiliation of Time Lords (The)
Chronicles of Who, (Wil Roysdon)
Church of the Grey (The), (Mark Healey)
Doctor Who and Company: The Role-Playing Game
Doctor Who Appreciation Society (The), (Chuck Foster)
Doctor Who Autograph Collectors Club, (Graham Groom)
Doctor Who Club Information Atlas (The), (Chuck Foster)
Doctor Who Club of Australia (The), (James Sellwood)
Doctor Who Club of Victoria (The), (Shane Mengaziol)
Doctor Who Information Network (Canada), (Stephen Christian)
Eye Spiders of Pergross (The), (Andrew Kearley)
Gallifrey Foundation Inc. (The) (Australia), (Daniel Klein)
Guardians of Gallifrey (The), (Arthur Dykeman)
Intergalactic House of Daleks (IHOD), (James Mahaffey)
Knights of the White Guardian (The), (Ken Parker)
Milwaukee Time Lords (The)
Missing Adventures Sim (The), (Bill Rudloff)
Northern Virginia Doctor Who Viewing Society (The), (Jeffrey Jacobs)
Oxford University Society for Cult Television, (Alice Dryden)
Paul McGann Estrogen Brigade (PMEB) (The), (S. Linz-Gould)
Prydonians of Prynceton (The), (Tom Beck)
Rocky Mountain Doctor Who Viewing Society
South Australian Doctor Who Fan Club Inc (The)
St Louis Celestial Intervention Agency (The)
The U.S. Branch of U.N.I.T. Homepage (Mirror Site), (Jason Henningson)
Time Meddlers of Los Angeles, (Shaun Lyon)
Timelords Anonymous, (David Mullen), (UnearthlyChild)
UNIT [Universal Network of Iowan Timelords], (Mike Williams)
Unwilling Warriors (The)
West Lodge (The), (Steve Allen)
Whoosier Network Online, (Mark 'De Boss' Dooley)
WhoSim Universe [Roleplay community], (Jen Kokoski)
Wolves of Fenric (The)

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Online Magazines
Magazines available for reading on the Internet

This Week In Doctor Who, (Benjamin F. Elliott), (
Skonnos, (Mark Campbell)
625-Online, (Nick Cooper)
Broadsword (NA/MA Fanzine), (David Robinson)
Circus, (Colin Brockhurst)
Concrete Elephant
Curse, (Nigel Ellis)
Doctor Who's Deanstruction, (EEO)
Fringeworld (incorporating Faze Online), (Bob Stanley)
Happiness Patrol Webpage (& Fanzine) for Lesbian and Gay Dr Who Fans & Friends (The), (Mel & Sarah)
Lush Aggressive Vegitation, (Goofy)
NADWC - North America Doctor Who Connection
Reverse the Polarity!, (Alexander Ballingall)
SAD Magazine, (Rob Morris)
Shockeye's Kitchen, (Gary Finney)
Sonic Screwdriver Online, (Andrew Deans)
Strange Skins, (Neil Johnson)
The Doctor Who Fanzine Database, (Bob Furnell)
Ultimate Eighth Doctor Website (The), (Gareth Parker)
UNIT News, (Martin Hoscik)
Whomiga Times (The), (Richard H. Poser)
Whotopia, (Bob Furnell)

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Sites about and/or owned by Actors, Production Staff, Authors, and other persons involved in creating Doctor Who, (Peter Anghelides)
Faction Paradox, (Tom Pratcheet, Mags L Halliday, Lawrence Miles)
6:13, (Steve Gerlach)
Abslom Daak - Dalek Killer, (Darcy Casselman)
Adric's Little Home of SF, (Heather Smith)
Authors on the Net
Barbara's Big Bouffant!, (Trey Korte)
Ben Jackson (Michael Craze)
Bernice Summerfield, (Trina Lynn Short)
Beyond the Forge, (Cav Scott)
Bobbie42's Unofficial Lalla Ward Home Page Thingy, (Peahead)
Cavern of Nicola Bryant, (Paul Leach)
Companions' Home Page (The), (Kevin Parker)
Dark Season and Century Falls, (Roy )
Daryl Joyce - Dynamic illustrations, (Daryl Joyce), (David McIntee)
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor!, (E. Doctor Smith)
Five Rounds Rapid! [The Brigadier Page], (Eric J. Hedlund)
Friends of Nicola Bryant, (Gary Russell)
Howe's Who, (David J. Howe)
India Fisher - The Fan Site, (Kevin Schultz)
Jamie McCrimmon, (Ruth Thomas), (Jean-Marc Lofficier)
Jon Pertwee Dot Com, (Roger Harris)
Jon Pertwee Tribute Website (The), (Alex Bennett)
K-9's Web Site, (Russell Todd Anders), (Kate Orman & Jon Blum), (Keff McCulloch)
Lalla Ward and Tom Baker
Lust for Zoe, (Charles Daniels), (Mark Ayres), (Mark Michalowski), (Martin Day)
Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford), (Alden Bates)
Moosifer Jones' Lair, (Mags L Halliday)
Nicola Bryant - A Time Lord's Friend, (Keith Wheeler)
Nyssa, (Paul Bender)
Nyssa's Nexus, (Mekel Rogers)
Official Deborah Watling Website, (Gareth Parker)
Official John Levine Fan Club (The), (Carolyn Ibis)
Oh Look, Another Seventh Doctor Page
Patrick Troughton Dot Com, (Roger Harris)
Paul McGann Page, (Lisa Jenkins)
Peter Davison, (Elsa Frohman), (Philip Purser-Hallard)
Sgloomi City, (Dave Stone), (Sophie Aldred), (Steve Emmerson)
Steven Taylor Homepage (The), (Jason A. Miller)
Sylvester McCoy Image and Sound Archive, (Trina L Short)
Sylvester McCoy Interview, (Andrew Lawston), (Neil Hogan)
Tegan's Worldwide Admirers, (Jason and Dan Henry)
The Official Bonnie Langford Homepage, (Paul Grunert), (Tom Arden)
TTT (Tall, Thin and Tortured) Focus: Paul McGann, (S. Linz-Gould)
Turlough, (Trina Lynn Short)
Un-Official Patrick Troughton Site, (Brendon Schlitt)
Wacky World of Dodo Chaplet (The), (Greg McElhatton)
Who is Time Lady?, (TimeLadyX)
William Hartnell Dot Com, (Roger Harris), (Yee Jee Tso)
Zen and the Art of Procrastination, (Tom McCambley)
Zoe Herriot Homepage (The), (Siobahn Morgan)

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Sites extolling the virtues of the good Doctor's adversaries

Dalek Resource WebHOme, (Michael M Imrie)
dalek 6388, (Jon Green)
Crow's Nest: Spider Dalek Project
Cybermen, (Chris Schuetz)
Dalek Builder's Club (The), (David Muirhead)
Dalek Links, (Peter Labrow)
Guplicity, (Neal Corbett)
How to Build a Dalek, (Stephen J. Crocker)

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Fun Stuff
Parodies, Satire, Scarves, RPGs...

900 Year Diary(The), (The Timehamster)
[RPG] Chronicles of Stanislaw, (Chris Heffernan)
[RPG] Doctor Who: Doctor & Co, (TimeLadyX)
An Unruly Child Novelisation Project, (Charles Daniels)
Audio Adventure Rankings, (John Gunther)
Bates Motel, (Cameron Mason)
Bloopers List (The), (Daniel O'Malley)
Brit Trivia, (Mick Spencer)
Caption Who?, (Michael S. Lucart)
Cool Collecting: Doctor Who
Doctor Queue, (Daniel Callahan)
Doctor Who - The Scrapbook, (Ian McPherson)
Doctor Who Dance (The), (RTF)
Doctor Who Fan Fiction and Free Role Playing Games, (Gerard Luft)
Doctor Who Net - Who for the Trivially Minded, (Paul Pollock)
Doctor Who Pinball, (Richard H. Poser)
Doctor Who Quotations, (A.M. Kuchling)
Doctor Who Scarf, (Chris Brimelow)
Doctor Who: David's New Adventures, (Scarlett Hartley)
DR WHO - The News Resource
Dr. Who Rumour Central!, (Martin Fairgrieve)
Dr. Who Shoebox of Triviality (The), (JackalAndromeda)
Glasgow Police Boxes, (Gordon Barr)
High Council (The), (David French)
Homepage of a Dalek Hunter (The), (Matthew Brant)
Knitting a Whovian Scarf, (Thomas M. Farrell)
Last of the Jagaroth, (Matt Marshall)
Maddog's House of Waffles
Marlons Doctor Who Lego Page, (Marlon Wuytenburg)
Mego Doctor Who and Customs, (Rick Hurtt)
Mistfall, (Graham Nealon)
Mr. T Versus the Cybermen!, (Tony J. Case)
Planet of the Sh*t-St*rrers
RADW/#DWC Birthday Listings (The), (Richard H. Poser)
Return to Kendal, (Matt Dale & Kev West)
Revenge of the Unrealistatrons, (Daniel Bowen)
Rockin' the TARDIS
Role Playing Games, (Ian McDonald)
Save A Time Lord, (Jay Phinney-Melton)
Skaro Toy Museum (The), (Dave Hicks)
Tachyon TV, (Neil Perryman)
TARDIS Explorer, (Gene Cowan)
TARDIS Storage Shed, (Johnny Miller)
The Blue Box Project, (Jase)
The Bovril Plan, (Mug and K.B.)
The Doctor Who Fake News Page, (Erik Pollitt)
The Fantasy Carousel, (Lisa Conner)
The History of Tom Baker's Scarves, (Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff)
The New Adventures RPG, (Chris Lupton)
The OFFSTAGE Theatre Group , (OFFSTAGE)
The Renegade Chickens Salute Doctor Who, (S. Bruce)
The Vervoid, (Lissa)
Timelord: Adventures Through Time and Space, (Nathanael)
Ultimate Dalek Factory (The), (Urac 'Ratbat' Sigma)
Who Sim Universe, (Jen Kokoski)

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Sites advertising up-and-coming fan conventions, and other gatherings

Battlefield, (Mark O'Grady)
Chicago TARDIS, (Jennifer Kelley)
Clacton Sci-fi Convention, (Mark Beales)
Dominitemporal Services Ltd [Panopticon]
Gallifrey One, (Shaun Lyon)
Infinity Events, (Richard Moran)
Intelligence: WHO@39.Con
Page's Bar [Sci-Fi Events Diary]
Sci-Fi Sea Cruise (The), (Dan Harris)
Science Fiction Conventions Northwest
United Fan Con, (Alan L. Ravitch)
Visions [The Unofficial Web Site], (John Golkosky)
Vortex Events
Whovention, (James Sellwood)

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Miscellaneous Pages
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - they're all here, (Adrian Cranwell-Child), (Angus Gulliver)
Black Orchid, (Andrew East), (Caroline Tracy Miller), (Carson Maynard)
Castellan's Office (The), (The Castellan), (Chris Maples)
Chris' Page, (Chris Sweitzer)
Console Room, (Matt Kimpton), (David J Richardson), (Davros)
Doctor Vell's Whoivan Outpost, (Doctor Vell)
Doctor Who, (Randy)
Doctor Who - A Pictoral History
Doctor Who Collectors, (Richard Briggs)
Doctor Who Deutchland
Doctor Who Exhibitions In Scotland, (David Carlile)
Doctor Who For You
Doctor Who in the Parallel Universe, (David May)
Doctor Who Magazine CD Covers, (Ethan Bunke)
Doctor Who Project (The), (Gareth William Parker)
Doctor Who Revival Centre
Doctor Who World, (Andrew Hearne)
Doctor Who Zone, (Drew Payne)
Doctor Who: The Web Planet, (Richard Burman)
Doctor's Digital Domain (The), (Zach Crisman)
Doctor's Tardis
Doctor's TARDIS (The)
Dominic's Doctor Who Page, (Dominic Treharne)
Dr Who in the 21st Century Newsletter, (Andy K Kitching)
Dr Who Movie Page, (Dr. Jack Beven)
dr.who?'s Adventures in Cyberspace, (dr.who?)
DVD Who, (Andrew Kelly)
Estates of Lungbarrow (The), (Jesse Conrad)
Gallifrey Gallery, (Bryan McCormack)
Great Doors (The)
Inside the (tacky cardboard) Spaceship, (Paul Moore)
International Electromatics, (Phillip Porteous), (John)
Kevin's Doctor Who Page, (Kevin Litten)
KryssTal: Dr Who Page, (Kryss Katsiavriades), (Kryten), (Laura & Eric Gjovaag)
Longleat'83 - What a year that was for WHO, (Stuart Halliday)
Lovingwho's Doctor Who Magazine Index, (Andrew Loving), (Matthew Kilburn), (Michael Foster)
Missing Piece Technologies, (Richard H. Poser)
Nathan's World, (Nathan Roberts)
Police Box (The), (K-9)
Project Gallifrey, (Paul Chadwick)
Red Home Page (The)
Regenerations @ MSN, (Billy Tweedie)
Roses of Pharos (The), (Rori Stevens)
Sean's Doctor Who Page, (Sean Corcoran)
Selornia, (Selornia)
Serendipity?, (Chuck Foster), (Steve Phillips)
Strands that Bind, (Alistair McGown)
Swinging Space Age Bachelor Pad of the Emperor Dalek (The), (Tony Whitt)
TARDIS Zone (The)
TARDIS, Hasshin! - Doctor Who in Japan, (Douglas B. Killings)
Temporal Vortex, (Carl Anderson)
Temporal Vortex, (Carl Anderson)
Tenth Doctor's TARDIS (The)
The Doctor Who Facts & Figures page, (Paul Rance)
The Home of AlexDW, (H. Alex La Hurreau)
The One And Only Doctor Number Four, (Scarlett Hartley)
The TARDIS, (Dave Lewis)
Timelash (The), (Michael R. Wall)
Trapped in the Web, (Louis Trapani), (Trevor Wells)
Tyger's Doctor Who Den, (Tyger)
Universe of Doctor Who (The), (Robert Ray)
Valkyrie's Dr. Who Pages, (Valkyrie)
Wanderer in the Fourth Dimension, (David Burke)
Wanderers in the Fourth Dimension, (The Renegade Timelord and Madame Prez)
Who is the, (Martin Ridgway & Sarah Spencer)
Who One, (Brian DiPaolo)
Who-Universe, (Alex Shepiro)
Wit and Wisdom of Doctor Who (The), (Christopher Alan Anders)
WKRP In Androzani, (Keith Brookes)
Zero Room (The), (David Zientara)
Zero Room (The), (Andrew R Barber)
Zygon's Home Page

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Commercial/Trading Sites
Sites from which you can buy or trade Doctor Who (and other) merchandise

[Official BBC Site] BBC Shop (The)
AJRimmer's Britcoms (Video Trading Page), (Joel Kathrens)
Ambrosia Books & Collectables, (Shaun Lyon)
Androzani, (Tara Eastwood)
Black Tree Design Ltd
BlackStar Doctor Who Zone, (Evan Marshall)
Brandler Galleries, (Kathy)
Burtons, (Robert JE Simpson)
Calendar Mart
Commemorative and Collectable, (Andy McCafferty)
Cult TV & Science Fiction Trading Page, (Paul Sida)
Doctor Who Footage Trading Page (The), (Andy Wilson)
Doctor Who Hardcovers Archive (The), (Jason Shron)
Doctor Who Merchandise Sale
Doctor Who, (Gene Smith)
Doctor's Affect/Effect (The), (Alphawaves)
Forbidden Planet
Galaxy 4
gallifreyanguy's Doctor Who Trading, (gallifreyanguy)
Infinity, (Justin Thomas)
JusWho-Justins Dr Who Memorabilia, (Justin Whyborn)
Known Space Books Info Site, (Known Space Books)
Kulture Shock, (Richard Stubbings)
Larry's Sci-Fi-Spy Media Catalog
Mallarkey, (Michael Clarke, Gaz Collins and Mark Rogers)
Mike's Comics Web Site, (Michael Salvo & Patricia Cryan)
Nitrobugs Home pages (Dr Who Holograms)
Parallel Worlds
Product Enterprise Ltd, (Steve Walker)
SCI FI KINGDOM, (John Alden Spitz)
Science Fiction Continuum (The)
Scifind, (Brian Edwards)
Shada Video Trading, (Lee Rose)
Stamp Centre (The) Doctor Who Collectables, (Russ Jenkins)
Tenth Planet, (Paul Taylor)
The Prezzy Shop, (Faction Limited)
Third Zone Collectibles, (Craig Ernst)
Time's Champion, (Eric J. Carter)
Ultimate Buckles, Ltd, (Karen Burrage)
Video Trading Page, (Reuben Herfindahl)
Who North America, (Keith Bradbury)
Who Shop (The)
Zardoz Books, (Maurice Flanagan)

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Other Productions
It's not just the BBC and Virgin that are creating stories in the Whoniverse...

Big Finish Audio Productions, (Big Finish)
Floor Ten Audio productions, (Howard Richardson)
Kaldor City, (Fiona Moore)
The Cat Who Walked Through Time II, (Alryssa Kelly)
Bedlam Theatre Company, (Rob Thrush)
Hoopy Frood Productions, (Steven Sautter)
40th Anniversary Anthology, (Billy Tweedie)
Ashley X 'Devious Project', (Ashley Nealfuller), (Battered Suitcase Theatre Company)
BTR Productions, (Matthew Kopelke), (Charles F. Millhouse)
Comeuppance Comics
Creatures of Hate
DAM Audios, (David Nagel)
Deja Vu Of The Doctors, (Barnaby Jones & Vince Stadon)
Doctor Who Crossover Adventures (The), (Aron Toman)
Doctor Who Fan Videos, (Colin Caulkins)
Doctor Who Reconstructions, (Dominic Jackson)
Doctor Who: Resurrection of Evil, (The Monitor)
Doctor Who: Time Lock, (Ken Rogers)
Dream Realm Enterprises, (Jonithan Patrick Russell)
FANZ / The Unregenerate
Future Echo Productions, (Charles Lambert)
Half-a-Dozen Lemmings Productions
Homegrown Productions Official Site, (Vasilios Alagiannis)
Loose Cannon Productions (Reconstructions)
Meager Productions, (Meager Films)
Megropolis1 Productions, (Rob Tizzard)
Merkelbach Films, (Andrew Merkelbach)
Professor Bernice 'Surprise' Summerfield, (Mark Healey)
The Doctor Who Audio Dramas, (Lighthope)
The Projection Room, (Chris Hoyle & Matt Kopelke)
The TARDIS Viewscreen, (Julian Smith (Vark))
Theta-G, (The Beeble Brox Company)
Time and Again, (Dennis Kuhn)
Timebase Productions, (Neil Johnson)
Trickshot Film Productions, (Richard Allison)
Ultimate Reality Online Productions
Warped Time Productions, (Alan Thompson)

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Newsgroups and Chat Forums
Places to talk about Doctor Who, plus sites about the newsgroups

Doctor Who Forum @ Outpost Gallifrey, (Shaun Lyon)
[Mailing List] Jade Pagoda, (Iain Truskett, Jon Parkinson and Backrubslut)
[Mailing List] DoctorWhoAudio
Planet Skaro, (Anthony Cledwyn Williams)
TARDISite, (Phillip Madeley and Kaybee Bailey)
YaWho, (Tim Reid / Kenny Davidson)
76 Totters Lane, (Renata Hall)
[Mailing List] Androzani, (Ralph Burns)
[Mailing List] Audio-Visions, (Chris Cwej)
[Mailing List] DoctorWhoBooks
[Mailing List] DrWhoComics, (Braxiatel)
[Mailing List] JPaudio
[Mailing List] Sadwank
[Mailing List] Sylvester McCoy Chocolate Sauce Brigade (The)
[Mailing List] TARDIS Trips, (John Wilson)
A Good Dr Who List
Bates Motel, (Cameron Mason)
Bulletin Brash Reflections, (NitCentral)
Creative postings (no binaries)
Doctor Who Binaries
Doctor Who in the UK
Doctor Who Message Board, (Phil Brown)
Doctor Who vs Star Trek - The Doctor Who Forum, (The Doctor)
DWIN Mailing List
Faction Paradox Forum, (Mags L Halliday)
FAQs + Info (Moderated)
General Discussion
Kiwi Fans of Doctor Who, (David French)
RADW Rogues Gallery (The), (Jim Vowles)
rec.arts.drwho Quote File (The), (Robert Smith?)
rec.arts.drwho.moderated FAQ
The Doctor Who Footage Trading Forum, (Andy Wilson)
The Eye of Orion, (J.R. Loflin)
The Vortex, (SnapperTheTwig)
The Watchers, (Adam Stone)
Who Echo Site (The)
Who Nation, (Mark Rushford)
Yahoo! Clubs - Panopticon

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Computer Resources
Computer Games, Screensavers, and so on

Doctor Who Fonts Page, (Nick Smale)
Cheeky Monkey Games, (Ric Lumb)
Daleks! (Java Applet Game), (KoobiFora)
Doctor Who Quake II add-ons, (Simon Charlott)
Dr Who Adventure Game for Atari 400/800 (March C+VG 1983), (Jeremy Rayner)
DrWho Quake 2
Maryanne's Doctor Who page, (Maryanne)
Pyramids of Mars and other Text Adventures, (Patrick Wigfull)
The Doctor Who Pages, (Noel Wallace)
Time Lords' Time Share Villa (The), (Andrew Lawston)
TimeQuake, (Giles Williams)
Useless Creations, (Robert Bennett)

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Other Related Sites
Sites peripherally connected to Doctor Who

All Experts, (Steve Gordon)
BBC (The)
Cult TV (Official Website)
CultTv International, (Marq English)
Doctor Who @ The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Film and Television, (Kevin Lyons)
Fandata's Fandom Directory
Sci Fi Friday Night, (TR Sammis)
Sci-Fi Channel (The)
Sci-fi Net
Science Fiction Foundation (The), (University of Liverpool)
Snu (The), (Chris Arnsby)
The TEMPLE of AGGEDOR, (Wolf Valentine)
Tom's Diner
Totally Visual, (Anthony)
Tripods (The), (Graham Nelson)
TV Ark
Universe Guide, (John)
Washington Post [Article in the]
Worzel Gummidge, (Michael Livesley)

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