Justyce will be served         Audio Visuals Newsletter April 1993

IMPORTANT: This is a piece of AV history,
do not try sending money to anyone mentioned.

audio adventures in time and space
-- --- ---, LONDON, --- ---


Welcome to another edition of the irregular Audio Visuals newsletter. The purpose of this is to keep you up to date with some of the events taking place in the Audio Visuals universe.


The Fifth Season is confirmed, but a release date for the first play is a long way off yet! Work has begun on a couple of scripts and we hope to bring you more news as things get firmed up.


Yes - it's finally ready! Story 27 is now completed and advanced orders have already been sent out. It has been a long wait, but we hope you'll agree it was worth it! If you still haven't ordered a copy of this, the long-awaited climax to the events of the whole season, then it costs just £2.00 from the PO Box address above.


Many of you have been waiting a long time for the new, revamped Early Adventures covers. We apologise again for the delay in dispatching them to you. Rest assured that we have a list of everyone to whom we owe these covers. The last batch of Season Two covers are being prepared and now some Season Three covers are being revamped. If your package arrives with coverless tapes, it isn't because we've forgotten them, but because we've run out. As soon as they're printed, they'll be sent on to you. Currently the cover-less tapes are Minuet in Hell, Blood Circuit; The Secret of Nematoda, Carny and Planet of Lies. Many of you have asked about the availability of these covers as a separate item. Sorry, but at the moment, we're not offering them for sale as replacements. As soon as all the people with currently cover-less tapes have been supplied, we'll look into the possibility. Promise!


Once again, a necessary reminder about the new address above. It is essential that you use this now, and not the old Brockley address as letters sent there cannot be fowarded on. If you know anyone who still might be using the old address, please tell tehm of the change. Thanks! Also, please remember that all cheques and POs should be made payable to AUDIO VISUALS. The new PO Box address does however mean that (because we're doing all this in our spare time), you ought to allow at least 28 days for delivery. Of course, we always try our best to get the tapes to you well before that, but sadly we cannot guarantee it!
All that remains is for us to remind you that anyone requiring a catalogue needs to send us just an A4, SAE. Any queries you have about Audio Visuals, again, just send a stamped, addressed envelope.

The Audio Visuals team is:

Nick Briggs
Erica Galloway
Gary Russell

Audio Visuals is a non-profit-making fan organisation

When I say Run, Run. RUN!         Audio Visuals : Audio Adventures in Time and Space